Lakeside is leading the design of this fast-paced WisDOT project that addresses the deteriorating pavement condition on I-94 in Waukesha County, Wisconsin. The project objective is to extend the life of the roadway on the 6.95 miles between WIS 83 and WIS 16. The ancillary roadway infrastructure from WIS 83 to WIS 16, including roadside barrier, signals, culverts, bridges, and retaining wall also require improvements based on expected life span and inspection report findings. The proposed improvements are a Resurface 25/30 which will consist of milling the existing HMA pavement, base patch, joint and crack repair, and placing HMA pavement from WIS 83 to County T. Spot concrete pavement repair will be performed from County T to WIS 16.
The project will also include:
The curb ramps will be updated to meet ADA standards. Currently, the WIS 83 and County G Park and Ride lots have curb ramps that do not meet ADA requirements. The curb ramps at WIS 318 from the WB exit ramp to Silvernail Road also fail to meet ADA requirements and will therefore but updated.
The intersection of WIS 57/Green Bay Road at Teutonia Avenue/County D is in the Village of Brown Deer, Milwaukee County. Lakeside led the design of this WisDOT project that included the removal of the three-legged intersection at WIS 57 and Teutonia Avenue and the construction of a roundabout. Lakeside served as design lead, with a subconsultant team supporting roundabout design, historic/archaeology, and survey. During design, Lakeside changed the layout of the storm sewer system to keep in place the existing line that drained a retention pond overflow, while addressing the changing needs of the intersection. The design was developed within the existing right-of way and with very minimal utility impacts. Lakeside also performed the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report for this project. The proposed improvements along WIS 57 north of the Teutonia Avenue roundabout included bicycle accommodations in both travel directions. Lakeside conducted extensive Section 4(f) coordination with Milwaukee County Parks for the approval of the shared use path roadway crossing modifications to the Oak Leaf Trail. The crossing of the Brown Deer Trail/Oak Leaf Trail currently south of the intersection was relocated just to the south of the proposed roundabout to allow easier crossing of Teutonia Avenue for pedestrians. The shared use path modifications met Section 4(f) exceptions.
Lakeside Engineers was a member of a large consultant team that assisted the Illinois Tollway Authority prepare contract plans and specifications and project-related permits for a complex reconstruction of 3 miles of the eight-lane I-294 Tri-State Tollway in the Chicago metro area. Specifically, Lakeside staff was responsible for: planning for maintenance of traffic during reconstruction; designing pavement markings and signage; planning roadway removals; documenting special provisions; and, developing the concept verification report.
Lakeside Engineers was selected to lead this Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) Analysis project for WisDOT that evaluated almost 500 miles of Wisconsin’s Southeast Freeway system. The first task included collecting data for entry into IHSDM. Various data inputs were utilized, including alignment, volumes, crashes, geometric data, Meta Manager data, and roadside barrier. The data collection task required the creation of a Microsoft SQL Server database and a console application written in C# that read XML and Excel formats and transformed the data for a standardized data output to be read by the IHSDM software. Once inputted into the software, Lakeside performed the corridor analyses, with results summarized in a final report. Lakeside evaluated rural freeways, urban freeways, and complex system interchanges, including the Zoo Interchange and the Marquette Interchange. Once the initial analysis was completed, several segments received an alternatives analysis, including a benefit-cost evaluation. The results of this study will assist the Southeast Region in making data-driven decisions on various alternative improvements. The outputs of the study utilized ArcGIS to display the results in a map-based summary graphic.
Since 2012, Lakeside Engineers has supported Iowa DOT in a wide variety of tasks related to traffic operations and motor carrier enforcement. These activities have included: developing a statewide Emergency Transportation Operations plan and delivering ETO-related training statewide to agency and local emergency response personnel; assessing the agency’s statewide commercial motor vehicle enforcement operations, technology and infrastructure, and developing related performance metrics reports and a five-year investment and operations plan; performing work zone safety reviews statewide; and, supporting numerous functions at the agency’s statewide TMC. Noteworthy TMC-related support provided by Lakeside has included: planning the physical relocation of the TMC from the Central Office in Ames to a DOT building in Ankeny; facilitating the procurement of a new video wall; developing training protocols for TMC control room personnel; facilitating operations data integration, management, and performance metrics reporting; and, providing a full-time on-site Systems Manager.
Lakeside led the construction management of this $25.5M interstate freeway rehabilitation of 15.85 miles of I-43 in Walworth County, Wisconsin. The structural rehabilitation portion of the project covered 32 bridges and included bridge re-decks, concrete deck overlays, thin polymer overlays, abutment expansion joint replacement, girder bearing replacement, concrete surface repairs, steel girder painting, slope paving, structural backfilling, surface protection, asbestos abatement, deck preparations, demolition, and rebar replacement. Additional major work items included shoulder reconstruction, which required excavation, aggregate pavement structure and HMA paving, base patching, concrete pavement repair, concrete pavement, approach slabs, erosion control, beam guard replacement, permanent signing, concrete pavement diamond grinding, traffic control and pavement marking. Noteworthy accomplishments included the implementation of cost savings related to revised staging for bridge painting and shoulder reconstruction revisions and pipe underdrain revisions. Additionally, revised staging at the US 12 bridges prevented staged traffic from being located on a cantilevered overhang and allowed US 12 bridge construction to occur during daytime hours (instead of the plan night time operations). Work zone speed limits were modified to match the TMP. Finally, numerous erosion control compliments were received from WDNR staff.
Lakeside led the construction management of the W. Morgan Avenue project which was a 0.6-mile urban reconstruction and modernization project located in Greenfield, Wisconsin. Major items of work included excavation, aggregate pavement structure, storm sewer, HMA pavement, concrete pavement, concrete curb & gutter and sidewalk, permanent signing, traffic control, erosion control and street lighting. The $3M project was administered by WisDOT Local Program with close involvement with City of Greenfield. Lakeside responsibilities included all preconstruction, construction and final paperwork tasks. Highlighted responsibilities included: hosting preconstruction meeting, weekly meetings, resolving field issues with inspectors and contactors, change orders, materials documentation, utility coordination, resolving resident complaints, revisions to the storm sewer and roadway plans, contractor progress payments, final paperwork and project closeout. Noteworthy accomplishments include implementation of cost savings for storm sewer and grading operations, considerable utility coordination required to maintain the construction schedule and extensive coordination with the elementary school located within the project limits and a medical clinic constructed concurrently with the roadway improvement. This project was a finalist for the WisDOT SE Region Outstanding Asphalt Paving Award for 2019.
Lakeside Engineers led the construction management and provided on-site construction inspection services for a WisDOT urban arterial project on WIS 120 in Walworth County, Wisconsin. This project reconstructed nearly 1.5 miles of WIS 120 on the north side of the City of Lake Geneva. The project included urbanization of the four-lane divided rural cross-section segment with the addition of storm sewer and curb and gutter, as well as the reconstruction of the two-lane rural segment with profile and shoulder upgrades, and reconstruction of parts of the US 12 freeway ramps. A new single-span slab bridge was built over a small waterway, and other elements of the project included painting of an overhead freeway bridge, replacement of traffic signals, two new roundabouts at the US 12 freeway ramp terminals, and two bio-retention basins.
Lakeside Engineers supported the highly complex, multi-year WisDOT I-41/94 Zoo Interchange reconstruction project from the earliest stages. Specifically, Lakeside personnel provided a variety of services related to roadway, traffic control, retaining wall, and underground infrastructure inspection. Early stages of this WisDOT Mega Project included reconstruction of several arterial roadways surrounding the Zoo Interchange to allow their use as traffic mitigation routes when mainline construction began on I-41/94. Lakeside staff served as the Ancillary Concrete and Bridge Lead, as well as overseeing traffic control and providing structure inspections. During the arterial reconstruction, the project progressed to include re-developing a service interchange with a major cross-street, as well as reconstructing the bridge over WIS 100 and three railroad bridges and a railroad tunnel, during which Lakeside staff served as Retaining Wall Lead and provided on-site structure inspection services. Phase 1 of the reconstruction project included work on an urban system interchange and six service interchanges. Phase 2 included construction of new mainline roadway for a portion of I-894/US 45 and a portion of I-41/94, as well as construction of auxiliary lanes on a portion of I-894/US 45. During both main phases of the project, Lakeside personnel served as Underground Lead, Retaining Wall Lead, Traffic Control Lead, and provided on-site inspection services.